FilterMag Transmission Magnet

The transmission filter magnet is a square magnet that mounts to the transmission pan and is intended to collect any loose metal shavings or debris that may be floating around in your system.

This is another product that is designed and intended as a “preventative maintenance” item and can add to the longevity and life of your transmission. Since the vehicle we are testing and installing it on is a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee that has 222, 000 miles on it any preventative maintenance at this point will be imperative in getting more mileage and use out of the stock transmission.

One of the oil cooler lines had a leak in it so it seemed like the ideal time to get underneath the vehicle and install our transmission magnet to begin our testing. We simply cleaned off the bottom of the transmission pan and prepped it for mounting making sure it didn’t interfere with the servo valve, placed it on and slid it into the location where we wanted it.

Since Filter Mag products are made with extremely powerful magnets you want to be extremely careful not to come in contact with or use near magnetically sensitive devices such as computers, pacemakers, credit cards or even your cell phones. Make sure to follow manufacturer’s recommendations when using or installing any of the FilterMag products.

Transmission Magnet Note: “On some transmissions the TM series magnet can interfere with proper servo valve operation. Check with your mechanic or relocate on the pan to insure proper operation.”

After roughly 12,000 miles we went ahead and serviced the transmission. Transmission pans have a magnet in place from the factory but I was surprised that in addition to the amount of metal that was collected on the factory magnet, there was an additional amount collected on the Filter Magnet proving to us that having the extra magnet in place was well worth keeping there in the future.

It’s the preventative maintenance and items like the Filter Mag products that keep a vehicle running well over the 100,000 mile mark of days past where people felt a car or truck was no longer “good” when it hit the six figure mark on the odometer.

Oil Filter Mag Final Review:

I will continue running these magnets on my vehicles to get as many miles that I can out of them and the Jeep that we have been doing the testing of these products on has close to 235,000 miles on it to date. I have no qualms about jumping into it and traveling anywhere in the country knowing it will get me there.


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